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Time Travelling with a Tortoise by Ross Welford
Time Travelling with a Tortoise is published by HarperCollins in paperback at £7.99.

Ross Welford

Time Travelling with a Tortoise

Exciting, funny, heartwarming, and mind-bendingly clever, Time Travelling with a Tortoise is the extraordinary, adventure-packed sequel to Ross Welford’s beloved, bestselling debut, Time Travelling with a Hamster. Al Chaudhury travelled back in time to save his father’s life. And it worked – Al’s dad is alive again and life is back to the way it should be.

At least, that’s what Al thinks. But when an accident robs Al’s beloved Grandpa Byron of his world-beating memory, Al is forced back in time again, this time leaving someone behind, trapped in a prehistoric dimension. Al is forced into a rescue mission to recover his friend from the past – and to make sure that there will be a future waiting for them all.

It turns out time travel is far more complicated than Al thought.